MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
Yiu Tung Shopping Centre Tung Chun Court
Yiu Kwai Hse Yiu Tung Est
Tung Shing Court
Shaukeiwan Plaza
Nam Hong St
Hoi An St
Holy Cross Path
Tai Ning St
MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
Tung Yan Court Tung Lam Court
Hing Tung Est
Yiu Hei Hse Tung Hei Court
King Hei Hse Tung Hei Court
Yiu Wah Hse Yiu Tung Est
Yiu Tung Shopping Centre Tung Chun Court