Timetable Remark
Specified departures operating from Sai Kung Pier to San Po Kong (Rhythm Garden) observe HKUST:
00:30, 00:50, 01:10, 01:30, 01:50, 02:10 and 02:30 daily
MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
◈ Hail and Ride section
Lakeside Garden
Po Lo Che Rd Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre
Pak Kong Lions Nature Education Centre
Pak Sha Wan
Marine Cove
Nam Bin Wai
Heung Chung Village
Nam Wai
Omitted by departures via HKUST.
University Rd
Observed by specified departures via HKUST.
Pik Uk
Tseng Lan Shue
Fei Ngo Shan Rd
Good Hope Sch
Choi Wan Commercial Complex
MTR Choi Hung Station (Exit A2) Ping Shek Est
Timetable Remark
Specified departures operating from San Po Kong (Rhythm Garden) to Sai Kung Pier observe HKUST:
00:30, 00:50, 01:10, 01:30, 01:50, 02:10 and 02:30 daily
MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
Choi Wan Commercial Complex
Good Hope Sch
Tseng Lan Shue
Pik Uk
Ta Ku Ling San Tsuen
Observed by specified departures via HKUST.
Cheng Chek Chee Sec Sch of SK & HH District NT
Departures via HKUST omit this stop.
◈ Hail and Ride section
Nam Bin Wai
Marine Cove
Pak Sha Wan
Pak Kong Lions Nature Education Centre
Po Lo Che Rd Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre
Lakeside Garden