Free Transit
Passengers may enjoy free transit to Tai Mei Tuk terminus for Tai Po Market Station bound by boarding this service from Shuen Wan Chim Uk to Lung Mei Tsuen before 09:00 daily. Please notify the driver when boarding.
MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
KMB Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and designated KMB service by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
Adult Octopus $1.0
Personalised Octopus with "Student Status" $1.0
Nam Shing St
Po Heung Bridge
◈ Hail and Ride section
Windfield Garden
Tai Ping Industrial Centre
Tai Yuen Est Fu Heng Est
Yee Nga Court
Yue Kok
Dai Kwai St Tai Po Industrial Est
Sam Mun Tsai Rd
Shuen Wan Chim Uk
Tung Tsz Rd
Ting Kok Village
Shan Liu Tsuen
Lo Tsz Tin Tai Po Lung Mei Beach
Lung Mei Tsuen
Express Service
Operate from Tai Mei Tuk to Tai Po Market Station omit Fortune Plaza and Tai Po Market
Timetable: 07:00 - 09:00, 17:00 - 20:00 on Mon to Fri (except PH)
Headway: 20 min
Timetable: 09:00 - 19:00 on Sat, Sun & PH
Headway: 20 min
MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
KMB Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and designated KMB service by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
Adult Octopus $1.0
Personalised Octopus with "Student Status" $1.0
◈ Hail and Ride section
Wong Chuk Tsuen
Lung Mei Tsuen
Lo Tsz Tin Tai Po Lung Mei Beach
Shan Liu Rd
Ting Kok Village
Lai Pek Shan
Po Sam Pai
Tung Tsz Rd
Shuen Wan Chim Uk
Sam Mun Tsai Rd
Dai Kwai St Tai Po Industrial Est
Yue Kok
Kau Yan College
Yee Nga Court
Tai Yuen Est Fu Heng Est
Tai Ping Industrial Centre
Wan Tau St
Express service will be diverted to operate via Yuen Shin Rd and Tai Po Tai Wo Rd.
Wan Tau Sq
Tai Po Hui Market
Timetable Remark
Specified departures from Tai Po Market Station to Tai Mei Tuk will be operated by GMB route 20E :
06:35 - 10:35 and 18:05 - 20:05 on Mon to Fri (except PH)
06:35 - 08:35 and 18:05 - 20:05 on Sat (except PH)
MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
KMB Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and designated KMB service by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
Adult Octopus $1.0
Personalised Octopus with "Student Status" $1.0
Nam Shing St
Po Heung Bridge
◈ Hail and Ride section
Windfield Garden
Tai Ping Industrial Centre
Tai Yuen Est Fu Heng Est
Yee Nga Court
Yue Kok
Dai Kwai St Tai Po Industrial Est
Sam Mun Tsai Rd
Shuen Wan Chim Uk
Tung Tsz Rd
Ting Kok Village
Shan Nam Rd
223 Ting Kok Village
Elle Villas Phase 1
261 Ting Kok Village
Elle Villas Phase 3 and 4
261 Ting Kok Village
Elle Villas Phase 1
223 Ting Kok Village
Shan Nam Rd
Lo Tsz Tin Tai Po Lung Mei Beach
Lung Mei Tsuen
Tai Po (Fixed Route) P.L.B. Co. Ltd.
AMS Public Transport Holdings Limited