Alternative Service
Same routeing and fare operated by GMB route 56A.
MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
Belair Monte
For set-down only.
Special Trip
Operate from Union Plaza to Fanling Station
Timetable: 05:30 - 09:00 daily
Headway: 5 min
Alternative Service
Same routeing and fare operated by GMB route 56A.
MTR Interchange Discount
Passengers may enjoy a fare discount on the second leg when interchanging between this trip and MTR by using the same Octopus within 90 min.
Fan Leng Lau Rd
Omitted by departures before 09:00 daily, except the Special Trip.